2024 Resolutions
24-03 Setting the FY25 Proposed Tax Rate Public Hearing
24-04 Setting a Special Meeting to Set the FY25 Budget Hearing
24-05 Appointing the PZ Commission
24-06 Appointing the PZ Board of Adjustment
24-07 Setting the FY25 Budget Public Hearing
24-09 Water & Wastewater Certification Reimbursement Policy
24-10 FY24 Budget Amendment #2
24-11 Authorizing Payment to Manatt's for the 700 Block of Fulton Street Project- Tabled
24-13 Splash Pad Equipment Order
24-14 FY24 Budgetary Transfers
24-15 Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy
24-16 Evergreen Cemetery Policies & Fees
24-17 Filing a Lien for Unpaid Utilities (2nd*24-17)
24-19 FY24 Annual Financial Report
24-20 Filing a Lien for Unpaid Curb Valve Repairs
2023 Resolutions
23-03 FY24 Budget Max Levy Rate
23-04 Setting FY24 Budget Public Hearing
23-05 Wellmark Splash Pad Grant
23-08 Council Compensation Not introduced as a Resolution, instead as an ordinance
23-09 LWCF Grant Filing Authorization
23-11 RCTP 3 Year Project Priority
23-13 Splash Pad Land from the Ball Park
23-15 FY23 Budget Amendment #3
23-16 Y54/East Street Bond tabled pending final #s not introduced.
23-17 Galloway Subdivision Final Plat Approval
23-18 Depositories adding IPAIT
23-27 GO Loan $8,000 and Setting Public Hearing
23-31 Loan Agreement $250,000.00
23-35 FY24 Budget Amendment #1 Adoption
23-36 Opposing Alliant Energy's Electric Rate Increase
2022 Resolutions
22-01 Setting the Public Hearing for FY23 Max Levy Rate